Hashtags for BeautyPros
Let’s take a look at what they are, how to use them, and some of the best hashtags for hairstylists, estheticians, nail techs, and salons. Before you know it, you’ll be hashtagging like a beauty pro influencer. Hashtags were first introduced on Twitter in 2007. Today,...

Managing your Reputation with Online Reviews
Stylists | Estheticians | Nail Techs Online Review Platforms. What are they, and why should you utilize them as a modern BeautyPro? We take a look at the value and challenges of today's online reputation jungle. Reviews are Relevant Today, customer reviews have a big...

11 Marketing Tips for BeautyPros in 2019
Stylists | Estheticians | Nail Techs Small business salons can survive on common sense strategies like good customer service, shop cleanliness, and offering relevant services. But marketing can mean the difference between surviving and thriving. Whether you are just...

Why do Beauty Pros love to wear black?
Until the late 1960s when hair coloring became more commonplace and socially acceptable, Beauty Pros wore white uniforms like nurses. Today, an estimated 70 percent of women in the U.S. use hair-coloring products, according to The Atlantic.Black hides stains from...

Grand Opening – Press Release 2018
Denver-area beauty pros are treated to cutting demonstrations, prizes and Las Vegas trip giveaway at the launch of a new salon suites business Contact: the MODERN SalonStudios 720-838-3114 [email protected] For Immediate Release the MODERN SalonStudios...
tMSS Grand Opening Celebration
Grand Opening refreshments & gifts October 18, 2018 | 4-7pm tMSS Arvada KARG Education and Demos Mike Karg will be demonstrating his dry cutting techniques and KARG cutting system. KARG knows that haircutting is the hallmark of our industry...

Press Release 2017
Opening soon in the Denver Tech Center and Arvada Contact: the MODERN SalonStudios 720-838-3114 [email protected] For Immediate Release the MODERN SalonStudios Industry veteran Peter Friedauer is taking his knowledge of salons and the beauty business to...