Hashtags for BeautyPros

Hashtags for BeautyPros

Feeling awkward about using hashtags? Let’s take a look at what they are, how to use them, and some of the best hashtags for hairstylists, estheticians, nail techs, and salons. Before you know it, you’ll be hashtagging like a beauty pro influencer. What are hashtags?...
Managing your Reputation with Online Reviews

Managing your Reputation with Online Reviews

Your Reputation Stylists | Estheticians | Nail Techs Online Review Platforms. What are they, and why should you utilize them as a modern BeautyPro?  We take a look at the value and challenges of today’s online reputation jungle. Why should you care? Reviews are...
11 Marketing Tips for BeautyPros in 2019

11 Marketing Tips for BeautyPros in 2019

Marketing Solutions Stylists | Estheticians | Nail Techs Small business salons can survive on common sense strategies like good customer service, shop cleanliness, and offering relevant services. But marketing can mean the difference between surviving and thriving....